What Martial Arts Does Jet Li Practice?

Publish date: 2024-06-25

Unfortunately, the legendary martial arts star isn't training quite as hard these days as he used to. As South China Morning Post reports, Li revealed in 2018 that his many injuries and a nearly decade-long struggle with hyperthyroidism have stripped him of much of his agility and skill. His medication makes him somewhat overweight, and his resting heart rate is at a fairly high 130-140 beats per minute (the average rate is 60-100 beats). 

The list of injuries Li has sustained over his career is terrifying. He had a laundry list of injuries (including a broken leg) as early as 1982, and the years have added to the pile: Li has cracked a vertebrae, broken ribs, fractured his left ankle badly, and received multiple internal injuries. In 2013, his doctors straight up told him that if he keeps making action films, he'll end up in a wheelchair. However, while he might not be beating up hordes of onscreen enemies any more, his fighting spirit is certainly still alive. As the man himself puts it: "I'm in pain but I'm not in a wheelchair yet."
